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Meet the Team: Winn Clark

Posted by Christa Harlow on May 11, 2017



We’re thrilled to introduce you to the newest addition to our coaching team - Winn Clark. Winn comes to us from the city of brotherly love to share her coaching wisdom and amazing hair. After a successful corporate career that carried her all over the world, Winn now lives in the wine country of Paso Robles to cultivate joy, prosperity, and contribute positively to her local community. Ask her about her favorite local wines! Winn coaches clients on how to be more Awesome at work and at home - as a leader and a teammate.

Welcome to the team, Winn! Tell us a bit about your coaching style and what you bring to Awesome...

Winn and Ted enjoy off roading, Napa-style.

I’m so excited to be part of the Awesome Institute team! One-on-one coaching with busy professionals is work I love and it’s fantastic to be able to collaborate with other passionate, experienced coaches. The type of coaching I do is called Integral Coaching.  In a nutshell, Integral Coaches focus on the whole person and all that is happening in their life, not just their work.  This methodology allows clients to build skills in areas that will support them both personally and professionally. I feel incredibly lucky to be able to do this work with bright, ambitious clients supporting and challenging them to be their best selves both in and out of work.

My philosophy is “life is short, why not love yours?”.  Spring is an especially great time to help clients clean out what’s not working for them so they can build new skills and practices that allow them to thrive. Clients say we’re doing some serious truth-telling in our sessions which has allowed them to gain insights into big and small changes they need to make in order to move forward in their lives.

If you’re thinking about making some positive changes your life, let’s talk and see how coaching can help you be more awesome!

Want to learn more or book a coaching session with Winn? Email or Schedule a call with our Coordinator, Christa.

Topics: Coaches, Coaching, Our Team